
Donating Informational Material

Learn how to donate books, periodicals and other material
Portal SISBI
29/03/2018 - 15:46 - updated 29/03/2018 - 15:46
Target audience: 
Student / Professor / Admnistrative technician / External community
Subject matter: 
Santa Monica Central Library (MON)

What it is?

  • Service related to donating informational material is available to general community, aiming for the constitution of the SISBI libraries’ collection.

What we collect?

  • Books, music sheets, periodicals, videos (DVD/Blu-ray), sound (CD, DVD) and technical standard. In case you intend to donate any material not mentioned above, please contact the library.


  • Every material offered to SISBI/UFU is previously analyzed in accordance with SISBI policies.

  • The donations offered will be pre-evaluated aiming the qualitative and quantitative growth of the collection, in accordance with SISBI policies.

  • The donor is informed if the offered work was accepted or rejected and how it should proceed to send the accepted works to SISBI by his/her SIGAMI account access and also by e-mail


Who will use?

  • SISBI/UFU Archives and its collections are provided to every citizen in general


Donation Form

  • After activating your registration, access SIGAMI website and fill out the donation form located on the "Doação" tab in "Nova doação".